Non filled

Participant Name
Task Click Path Observations Quotes Ease of Task completions
Write the task number and directions here. Record what path the participant took to complete the task. Note down behaviours, opinions, and attitudes along with any errors, issues, or areas of confusion. Note any significant quotes (positive and negative). Choose if the task was:
1 - easy to complete
2 - completed but with difficulty
3 - not completed
Prompt 1
Follow up
Prompt 2
Follow up
Prompt 3
Follow up
Prompt 4
Prompt 5
Additional Notes


DipC - Professional Musician

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| Additional Notes: | | | "I like the idea and all but people somehow just don’t do it online. Like the 2 of us have tried and failed in collaborating online/remotely in the past. The problem with online music collaboration is that it is never a priority. And then the conversation fades away. " | |